Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I think most people know that i already got my pr card which is good
im glad that i had a good two years without working and get to know who are the good friends and who aren't
how family i have
how my life will be
im so greatful with my time

anyway this is one thing that totally pissed me off tonight
my (.......) husband called asking me to borrow money from my dad maybe 1k and he will return when he gets his tax return
last time he borrowed my dad's money and told me that he will return the next friday.. yes- like that happened
never said or done anything about it and yes- a month passed- he still didn't do anything so i told him and wrote the check to my dad's account to retunr money
i know it was part of my fault that i shouldn't borrow money from my dad and i should know it better
anyway this story had a twist though

he wants to borrow money so he could buy his lovely karla who is he ex- sister-in-law whatever that ipad or same kida stuff but cheaper
reason because she never had any good thing for herself
that is funny to decide to buy something when he doesn't even have money to buy food for his family
fuck that idiot
i have no idea what made him think that
she doesn't have any technology or whatever- i see none of that is my problem or jd's problem
how come all her kids had it - don't you think is that because they need it so bad and want to make it happens
so if i want something so bad, i will make sure that i will get it sooner or later, i will totally gonna make it

jd just has a brain set up for something that he lacking of
buying new ipod for his 10 years old daughter who clearly doesn't even take care of her room?
reason why?
because she will have something to do
fuck-- the more i think about it, i just hate how his brain think

why don't him just think a little bit - how much money he makes- he has a crappy house- backyard that look like shit
a house decor that i just cant stand
but i didn't d anything because i know that it will need extra money to do
but hey he chose to spend on something that she doesn't need- not at all

all he wants is just like having everything just like everybody else
have an iphone
have an ipod
let his daughter have a ipod accessories
buy his lovely ex sister-in-law an ipad
when no food in the refridgerator
live month by month
have no saving money
his wife can't go out and buy anything without he is saying - we wont have money until next friday- money gonna be tight
the fuck up part is asking his wife to borrow money from her dad to buy his lovely sister-in-law an ipad

im not happy and yes- i am dead serious that i am not happy at all

i just can't take it
that asshole is deadly serious don't know what he is getting himself into
not at all

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