Saturday, January 1, 2011


Last night I dreamt about something.
Started with 3 people knew something going on with scared sacrificed so they have to get in to blend and observed. Then nothing are really suspected about outside but right after they got inside thing changed totally different.

It was nothing inside just the ground with a lot of people so two of them blended in with crying, rolling on the ground and say stuffs that normal people won't do. Turned to that everyone in this scarified have the disease that nothing can heal expected this people who run this event. The lady who still keep observed walking past one family that have 5 year old girl and a 7 months baby.
 The mom started screaming and then throw the baby on the floor from where she stands which another upper ground then she jumped to step on the baby. Nothing that I see just the brain and bloody organ flew to the lady that watching with scare.
Then she saw that the sister who didn't have any disease running up to the tower. The lady made dome scene to get attention from the parents and followed the girl up to the tower. Right after half way to the girl who is almost the top of the tower, the lady noticed that the father following the girl upstairs. The lady ran upstairs try to get the girl out somewhere but it's too late. There is no easy way out so I took a chance by let the father gets the girl and then while father didn't pay attention, the lady gets the metal pipe and started to hit on the fathers head until the brain running out from the skull.

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