Sunday, February 27, 2011

Not just me that was..

It was so funny tonight when I had meal after work with Tia and Thomas. She is 20 something and still pretty young so it is kinda mirror effected myself 10 years ago.
 Thought to myself that I was like that who think this guy, that guy like me. Sorry yo say this to myself,but it's so pathetic.
At least I don't think like that anymore.
 Good for me.
Anyway it kinda sucks to have to give people ride home, but they don't really care about you at all. Gosh! I feel used.
Oh well at least I know.
By the way, whatever acts that my mgr did tonight. I just think it isn't appropriated for mgr at all. Hi-5. Whattaheck! I actually don't want to give it back at all,but try to be polite so I just gonna pretent like it wasn't happened!

Talk about had couple kids ride home with me-- he asked me one question
" do you think which one is more stupid?
the adult that let kids keep her from going home for an hour on or
the kids who keep the ride wait for about an hour?"
yeah yeah
i know the answer--
it's me
im just trying to be nice,but if they don't see it- screw them then
i think i know now why they have to have rule!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm been thinking what I am craving the most since

I have been here.
That migt be the reason why I want to be firefighter.
 Doing lots of volunteer and also join navy
Well part of it because I want to help people, but I need I crave respects so badly!!
One day I talked about how come I didn't get anyone at work respect me. Then I realized that " treat others like you wanted to be treated" I'm thinking back at me the sane philosophy to me " am I respect them?" funny thing is I don't even care at all. I like couple people there and some I don't even care if they gonna be there or not.
 But I try to do my best in everything I'm doing.
JD once told me respect doesn't come with the job or career you have, but comes from how do you do it.
How do you prove yourself to them to others how thoughtful how good you are why they have to give their respective to me. Respect doesn't come from uniform you are wearing. Respect doesn't come from how much money you are making.
 Respect comes from how you act. How you think and how you make yourself to be.
Maybe I have to change my attitude to think different way like I am always say think about present, not past, not future.
Do my best with what I am doing. Okay I never like to be server. I prefer to be call cook or chef. It just stuck at the back of my mind. What a job be a server especially when I'm hitting 30. Still don't have a good career.
 This is probably be the most difficult thing to change about me.
 that's all I have to change myself into.

Friday, February 25, 2011

You aint cool,Man!

Oh well
all the Chads at OG are so assholes
im just saying it out loud...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


เคยแซวเพื่อนเล่นๆว่า น่าจะใช้ครีมทำให้ผิวขาวนะ

"ถึงกรูจะดำ แต่ก็ทำให้ผู้ชายอกหักมาแล้วหลายคน เพราะผิวไม่ใช่ปัญหาในการหาผัว"

หลังจากนั้นผมก็ไม่พูดอะไรละ .... แรงตัดบทเลยทีเดียวประโยคนี้

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What a day!!

Okay woke up at 8.15 am, tried as fast as possible to get ready for work. Boom! Water pipe broke! Damn! I mean seriously!! I won't go to work with not taking a shower. Never! I ain't JD. Lol. Oh well then I called OG. Let them know that I won't be able to go to work today. Tried to call Willie for help with water pipe,but I guess we might have to find somebody else. Then we took off to check off the ford ranger. We ended up paid $6100 cash with everything.
We stopped to see Cory for couple while. Then we left for Jd's dentist appointment. He took one of his left small tooth out. Meanwhile, I went to target got stuffs for Willie and Katherine. Pizza pan and mixing bowl, I believed. I also got writing pad and magnet. Not bad for $4 stuffs.
Picked JD up and went yo see couple more car shops. Went to the San diago again for test drive. Stayed for awhile. Called tamie from tj maxx then I had interviews at 3.30 pm. Had lunch at hyvee. Grand buffet. No more!! Food are too good and I ate too much. Not cool!!
Dropped JD at home. Went to interviewed stopped by walmart for mouse trap and then I had a few minutes to check out kool pens. I spent $8 on stupid pens. I can't believe that I spent $2 each pen for it. Not good. Then I went to interview with mike. Store mgr. I have orientation on this coming Sunday at 2 pm. And probably start my job as customer service coordinator next next week. Only Sunday to Tuesday though.
Then I went to pick up the shirt. Paid $21 for 3 shirts and 1 suit. Not bad!
They have jade tree. Pretty cool!!
Then JD told that his ranger his engine went wrong. So glad that the david guy still Here so we got check back and I hope JD will get his truck back soon!!
Then I had firefighter volunteer meeting at 6.30 pm. That's actually the interview. I didn't even prepare anything at all. Oh well at least. I did what I believe in and I can't wait to be part of it. Even I didn't pass this interview, I will submit and do it again and again. As long as I'm here.
Btw, today I had people think I'm a store mgr cuz the way I dress I think. Make me feel good. Maybe I should wear that often. Lol.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Muay Thai Training

Muay Thai Training

Muay Thai Training is 6 days a week, from Mondays to Saturdays.
A regular training day at 301 is as follow:

6.30 am: long run along the beach of sam roi yod. around 9km or interval run 9km or speed drill 3×1800 meters.
7.45 am: Shadow boxing or tires jump 15 min
8 am: Bag work with techniques 3 rounds of 5 minutes each.
8.25 am: Sparring
8.50 am: stretching or swimming.

4 pm: short run 2.5 km or jump rope 20 minutes
4.20 pm: Shadow boxing
4.35 pm: Pads work + techniques 3 to 5 rounds of 5 minutes
5.30 pm: Bag work 3 rounds of 5 minutes
5.50 pm: clinch 30 minutes
6.20 pm: knees or low kick series 300 times.
6.45 pm: Strengh and work out.
7.10 pm: Stretching, relax or swimming

MMA Training

MMA training is 4 times a week, in the morning or afternoon. The rest of the time is Muay thai training.
Monday – Morning; MMA – Afternnon: Muay Thai
Tuesday – Morning: Muay Thai – Afternoon: MMA
Wednesday – Morning: Muay Thai – Afternoon: Muay Thai
Thursday – Morning: Muay Thai – Afternoon: MMA
Friday – Morning: Muay Thai – Afternon: MMA
Saturday – Morning: Muay Thai – Afternoon: Muay Thai

Short run 2.5 km or jump rope 20 minutes
Shadow boxing + take down and take down defense
MMA warmup
Submission grappling techniques or take down – Judo – Wrestling techniques
Roll submission grappling or take down – Judo – Wrestling or MMA sparring
Tire hammer + Tire flip
Strengh and work out
Stretching- relax- swimming

Okay okay--

lower my expectation!
this is my problem

know my value
Never settle less than what you worth!! I should keep this word in mind
im worth more than be server at OG
at least -- i do the best at my job and try hard to keep them happy!

this morning was pure atitute to him -E-- sorry!
my bad,but again it wasn't my fault
again im sorry that i had attitute
it is just fool of me!

i think me and D - done by now - that is kinda sucks to go to work and don't smile
but again -people just make me go crazy--
especially with people that you don't wanna be with
it is just not fun
not cool to be around

okay this is V-Day
so happy Valentine to everyone!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's been...

An awesome day so far in this week. Now I'm done messing up with others I believe. Today is new day. Well I'm trying. Anyway I got some question in mind. I'm wondering how come couple looking pretty gals always in A room. Seem like I am moved back and forth,but I never see they work in other rooms. I might goons mention that today.
 I'm sterring again. Lol

Anyway yesterday I had family talked with my hubby again. The last word he had for me was " I don't understand how can adult like me hate 10 years old little gal too much"
Funny, but it's true. I can't even stand her voice.
 Her face or even her perfume that she wears.

I'm thinking about leaving. See don't think I ain't scare to start everything new. I am thrilled in the bad way. So many what if question in mind, but one thing I don't have to deal with anymore is dealing with my step daughter. Another thing I will loose and miss most is my hubby. I don't know what will be next.
Too many things to worry about, I wish I could reduce some of it.
 I'm tired of this moment time.
I'm really tired of this present time.

Message to you!

I will not kiss your stupid ass like others.
If you don't like my work performance,talk with me.
 If you don't like my attitude,deal with it. Buttcheek!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


last night, My lovely hubby told me something that
i don't know what to say or respond back
it isn't bad or really upset me,but it left me just question

he said he feel one of his old time girl friend is his soulmate
i was like it is interesting
then i asked back how about me?
he blanked
no answer
should i take it is a sign of something

am i his sexmate
because seem like all he likes about me is my legs
funny,but true

we don't go out often
we don't really do anything much together
part of the reason, i just can't stand be around his kid
just can't
and his reason is "we're broke"
but seem like everytime when im out of the house
he just go behind my back and get this -get that for others
oh this is another reason why he told me his old time girl friend is his soul mate
because they both like to give-
be a giver even they have no money
he probably thinks saying that " but you are way smarter giver-- you give time,but all asian are greedy" okay what is that supposed to mean to me then..
er im asian
oh well...
if he thinks that keep saying im smart in front of others will make me feel good and then behind my back -he just think of me as those women -he can use me-- it is just make no sense to me at all..
i just don't understand
not at all...

Story again!

It was one maybe good or not good night. I went to work at 3.45 pm. Didn't have table.
 Let's say until almost 5. Had two table station again.
Oh well from yesterday, I talked to those butt cheek GM. So today, I don't even wanna look or talk to him at all.
At least, I was ignored him for almost all night until the last table that they want to enjoy food one by one. Then my food cook quick so i had to tell another mgr to hold my food for me. Then my fav gone so I had to talk to this butt cheek GM.
 Not awkward, but I feel like I don't wanna do anything around his guy at all. Bored and feeling treated unfair from this guy even make me feel I can't stand or be around this guy at all.
My respected feeling to this buttcheek GM just keep declined day by day
this guy just one of those people who using me just like people i used to work before

Friday, February 4, 2011

Story again

I got schedule of working 11 am until lunch close and dinner from 4 to DBD( dinner business decline) okay asshole, read my fucking word! Lunch close and dinner business decline!! Fucking moron, I'm pretty sure you speak english, listen and speak in your whole life.
 Maybe you might haven't understand the word close and decline!! Asshole!
Anyway before I walked in, I was a bit wondering of why they schedule me at 11 and then answer clear when I had to work at C room.
 This room usually got face around 2 pm depended on how busy business is.
 Did I mention that I'm working tonight too and this lunch hour, I got schedule until lunch close.
Okay funny that today I actually had a great day with my tables. Not a problem and everything runs absolutely smooth. I even had the same guests from yesterday came to see me. She is really sweet!
Well thing went down to hell when I got my face at 2.30 pm.
It isn't big deal if I never ask them about not working split shift before and how they fuck up my schedule all the time.
I talked to GM about it. I guess wrong time,wrong place and those morons server just never wanted to leave. I think it's probably my fault that chose to talk to them.
 None of those asshole managers never care about me anyway. They probably let whoever that play, flirt or let them fuck- get the good tables. There is totally can't trust anyone in this business.
Funny part that I let them get on my nerve.. I should know that better! Guys and whores. I'm glad that I ain't one of them and from now on, I will just work with the money that they pay me $4 per hour. Not more, not less. Those moron mgrs always left me stood there like stupid now they will have to deal that themselves. As I said before, I don't get even! I get better!!
Be an asshole to me, I will do my best to make you live in hell.
Oh last but not least to that C fat ugly guy. You probable looking forward to get laid by all those cuties who around you all the time.
 Who know you might already have one or who cuz those whores just everywhere in every corners. Keep made me feel down with your asshole words. You might got me as if you thought. You might can keep running your fucking mouth around me. Told me this and that. I can't do this. I can't do that.
 Maybe you just shut your mouth around me from now on. It might be way better for you.
 I know I can't do anything to you and hell no, I won't put my hands on you. But just don't push me.
just shut- you got nothing to talk or do to me--
if you think you are the one who push the button for food--if you think you are working with so many duties at your job
you are just one of those people who got used just like me,but think you are better because you have more job to do
fucking moron!

First story

I was working at the A room. There was pretty steady constantly guests walked in.
Anyway there was couple guest walked in and orders new asiago cheese ravioli with chicken and husband ordered chicken Parm. Anyway the lady didn't like her food but prefer her husband food more.
So I went inside and tell manager about the food. The answer back from J manager was
 " what do you want me to do with it?"
first thought in my mind was er, you are a manager.
 Figure this out, I'm just come in here telling yoy this. Dude! Seriously, I only get pay $4 an hour.
This is not my fucking job to deal with guest likes or doesn't like the food. This is your fucking job, freaking  manager.
Again another thing, your 3 tables station and service partner also big table is so stupid. Fucking stupid!! I understand that you are pretty busy, pretty popular place for people to come visit but seriously! Why they have to make things more complicated. That hud whatever retarded system.
Pay me $4 then provide me table for guests to sit and then give me guests to sit then.
 Not just like,oh you got face
after worked for 2 hours. Damn, you!  Mgt.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Something to talk about

Walked in restaurant after that Bitch J as always. Oh well like I care. Had 2 tables with Andre as my service partner. Still don't understand what service partner for anyway. I hate working here with not many guests. Fucked up system and well I know that I still don't know lot of things, but still bunches of moron around me. Damn!!