Sunday, February 6, 2011


last night, My lovely hubby told me something that
i don't know what to say or respond back
it isn't bad or really upset me,but it left me just question

he said he feel one of his old time girl friend is his soulmate
i was like it is interesting
then i asked back how about me?
he blanked
no answer
should i take it is a sign of something

am i his sexmate
because seem like all he likes about me is my legs
funny,but true

we don't go out often
we don't really do anything much together
part of the reason, i just can't stand be around his kid
just can't
and his reason is "we're broke"
but seem like everytime when im out of the house
he just go behind my back and get this -get that for others
oh this is another reason why he told me his old time girl friend is his soul mate
because they both like to give-
be a giver even they have no money
he probably thinks saying that " but you are way smarter giver-- you give time,but all asian are greedy" okay what is that supposed to mean to me then..
er im asian
oh well...
if he thinks that keep saying im smart in front of others will make me feel good and then behind my back -he just think of me as those women -he can use me-- it is just make no sense to me at all..
i just don't understand
not at all...

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