It was one maybe good or not good night. I went to work at 3.45 pm. Didn't have table.
Let's say until almost 5. Had two table station again.
Oh well from yesterday, I talked to those butt cheek GM. So today, I don't even wanna look or talk to him at all.
At least, I was ignored him for almost all night until the last table that they want to enjoy food one by one. Then my food cook quick so i had to tell another mgr to hold my food for me. Then my fav gone so I had to talk to this butt cheek GM.
Not awkward, but I feel like I don't wanna do anything around his guy at all. Bored and feeling treated unfair from this guy even make me feel I can't stand or be around this guy at all.
My respected feeling to this buttcheek GM just keep declined day by day
this guy just one of those people who using me just like people i used to work before
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