Tuesday, May 22, 2012


so far my keeping diary still pretty good-- abit too late for monday,but at least im still doing it
woke up at noon due to my show and call thing that i signed my away from sleep to
i lke it and i actually enjoy listen to those kids say fun stuffs
okay back to my garden kit-- didn't get it today for 29.99 but guess what how ridiculous thing is on friday i went to ace asking for it, the seller said it will come with truck on monday
monday stopped and nope he said the truck wont come on monday due to memorial day
wtf- how can you run the business on give a promise without thinking
no professional and more importantly i dont like it
okay well after asking around the price for garden bed kit will be almost 50 dollar-- wtf
oh well i didn't get it,but instead we went to se battleship
movie was okay
i don't care  to own it that mush or i will take it if  it is less than 5 dollars
how about that
like the alien form- look kinda nice
nothing really pop up
okay one thing that i don't get it is why don't people walk to stanger with peace-
smile or hug or simply just talk and be nice-
why have to fear of things
it is just ot make any sense

thing i learn from movie is
always be strong -- nothing can harm you and you will be happy with yourself
people start to hurt you because they have the fear inside and then if they have arm that can hurt you then thing can turn to be bad
that's it
make me have to hurry back to exercise
get myself and my mentally ready
still not ready for that to come back but gotta take it one way or another

not really ready
not ready at all
never want to and never try to
i just dont want to do it

then come home watch another movie chronicle- or something like that
interesting movie
sad part - tif he has better brain, he might turn out to be pretty good future
sadly nothing is right in his life

not totally happy day today,but gotta take it
gotta move on

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