Friday, May 18, 2012

The vow

Just finished that the vow movie Okay
 I must say he is nice and she is stupid brat daddy's girl.
 I don't really care if she is or isn't now,but it is just stupid thing.
So far I think it is pretty stupid movie and I just don't care much about it.
Only thing like is she just still try to getting to know herself and that's it.
I love the word that he said I He could take shit,but not a punching bag.
 That s awesome.

Okay talking about my stupid things that I did on scene yesterday
 Left my partner
Well start with this first --
 pager went off,but I didn't know because I didn't charge it So blame on me--
 big time Got there-- not ready and still haven't have my gear ready --
 gotta work on that Ran around make them think I'm panic Maybe I was,but it was totally stupid of me Stupid stupid---
 do thing faster next time
Get all gear done and be ready
don't leave the partner
 and stay with your partner all thetime
 Don't tunnel version--
 watch what is around you--
 keep eyes on Then came home more stupid shit happened--

Well argument with hubby Did I expect that-
 no,but it happened and one glad thing--
 I still have no it with him.
 Lucky me All I have to say lucky me
Should I Shouldn't I Shouldn't
Best way to live my life
Might be too late if I want some,but still I think it is the best interest for me and it

 and no

 I might want,but it won't be good for anyone --
 especially for it A who know I mightn't in condition to have

 anyway Just forget about it
 Okay back to next call
 We walked into the pile of fire with no hose--
 haha seriously what did I thinking Okay well but it turned out okay--
no more call--
 good thing that mean it is all fired up.
Awesome Still not happy but I cam live with it

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