Thursday, May 17, 2012


that's crazy -- how things turn these days
been really busy plus tons of things change so no time to write anything at all
,but hey new days, new things happened
and im going to try again to keep posting what is going on
well talking about myself right now
woohoo already past my probir volunteer firefighter -yeah baby, and
yes im already turned in my homework so all i have to do is wait for it and go get my uniform yeah baby
sick and didn't go to work for almost a month,but things is getting better now
it was really weird - i think i had miscarriadged and stuffs due to those systomps, i had which leaded docs to think i had that
but every doctors said different things
first doc- misscarridges
second doc - allergy
third one - loosing balance in the ear
forth one also loosing 60 percents balance in the left ear
so i guess they all go with balance in the ears- seem easiest way to treat, i guess
then i went back to visit my mom last christmas and thisyear or next year
im going back again possible get tattoo too- will be my next and might be last -let's see
she is doing great and im so happy to see her also it is a real relief to let her know that she has granddaughter
what  else...hmmmm.....
did some good things
bad things
was in bad times- picked the flight with hubby
was in good time, never leave him alone- i know that he doesn't  like it much
oh now we are doing the kitchen so i will have the new kitchen so who know i can start posting my cooking things on it-- poo ya
what else.....
oh i start growing my garden and also start with 2 tress -- apple and plum-- they say it will take up to 5 years to 8 so i guess im still be here,but not  promise
i start doing cooking class with des moines education school and so far i had 2 classes and it all went great until my dad had stroke so i have to stop it awhile
i bought my bike now so in june 8 to 10, i will take class and that is what im going to ride from that day-- still need to get license for it though
saw couple stuffs that i need to do including snokling and paragliding -- saw them on good deal so i will take it
bought paintball deal which will do that with jd soon-- can't wait
finally i planned to have kid and so in about few months, i will go take the implanon out
i will have about 3years before turn 35 to complete my navy dream-- still need to do it
still want to complete my paramedic for my firefighter things
also fire inspector and officer -- possible instructor, i would love that
so far seem things going well,but i know life  always have up and down
oh well jd's id is coming back this summer so it will be hell for me again ,but i will do whatever it takes
plan a road trip and hope thing will be just fine--
did i mention i plants the trees--
oh okay i did
what else....hmmmm....
i start do couponing so i will soon show you my stockpile--
i don't do like extreme couponer cause i have something else to do and yes, im happy with it
what week, i have a good deal,  i will go with it
and i still haven't finish my 2 couponing books yet- gotta finish them
start to seeling stuffs online,but so far nobody interested--
i might have to start that on ebay
will see
bought too much stufs on ebay since last month say 200 dollars- damn
why did i buy all those
anyway i planned to sel some stuffs back since i got some for cheaper

i think im okay and i know that im okay
okay that's it for today

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