well well well...
okay i won't say anything that will make me feel like im really cocky or anything
well maybe the word 'cocky' might not be the right word,but well it is something kinda like that though
so yesterday i had interview with PMRC ,right and they told me that they will call me if they accepted to get a job
but because i told them that i will start another job at OG just the same time that they will want to train me as well
well i know that i left from my job interview at PMRC felt bad to myself and knowingly that i won't get a job due to a lot of my can't do this, can't do that
okay well yes tonight at 6.30 pm, Pete -- training manager called me and said- they will take me to work with them
well i asked them that can i train with them next month
he said yes but depends on if they still need dealer ,but he will call me
that is a good news!
so next month- in january will be really tough month
from working and also training but it will be worth
okay here let me write something that i thnk i got lucky today---
i got one really really cute boot from Charlotterusse for $20 from $42
and hey actually i want to get 2 boots and another one is combat boots,but because it isn't so touching me like the one i chose and also i planned not to spend too much money on boots
im glad i could find reason to not get 2 boots
also i got the new black pants and also one real cute ring
so for that i spent $40 and im really greatful for myself
then this morning when i went to gym
i found out that last night was the only night that they reduced all the boots to $20 so yes!! im so lucky!!
okay my face now is like the huge round plate,but i don't care!!
then walked into the southside gym
yes- i got to talk to that guy- the one that really cute from faraway--
oh no! i can't believe i just said that
oh well that isn't a point so my point is he told me that my gym membership is expired - yes! that is my lucky news
also i will close my us bank soon and jd's credit card is also expired soon so they couldn't bill me anymore
too bad ,but hey i think i will find another fitness that i might get discount from my two jobs for it
sound really good idea
one that close and open maybe 24 hours if i can find one with class and im thinking about doing zumba class,but this one has to do after i get my personal training certificate
which will be awhile and not so important to me much
okay well now im doing my career test so i just want to see what career is really suitable for me
well again i just want to say that i feel so lucky today and yes-- it is a bit feel too lucky
too good to be true
maybe the really bad thing is coming after all this
i might not get a job at OG
at PMRC might not want me anymore
i might be sue for Aspen
who knows!!
oh yes- today i went to donate blood at bloodbank
too bad that i only be able to give them 250 cc. out of 500 cc. that i should giving them
so i won't be able to know my really blood type and man! i have blood clogging while im giving blood
that doesn't sound good!!
have to check and see about that again!
done with put my name for water and electric at my sis's house
still have to wait for mediacom,but that isn't up to me anymore
im done my part !
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