Sunday, December 19, 2010


Okay okay okay okay
i know it isn't my business,but yes- i accidentaly clicked on it and read almost all of it
not cool, i know--
hey i know it is bad
okay here is a thing
i have problem with getting kid who  are under 15 years old cell phone
because i think it is not really important for them to have it
i mean at all
and yes- if im going to get cell phone --  i will just go with the one with call and text-- no need to go with the come with everything
internet access or app or whatever
it is not necessary - not at all
if they want it, they can get it themselves when they are finished high school and by themselves - if you want that kind of stuffs-- pay it for yourself ...
im still not happy witt my hubby got ipod for her on her birthday
hey - it isnt a necessary thing to have
what is her necessary things is making friends, study and yes- i want  her to be good at sports and maybe some entertainment thing like play music instrument or dance
that is what girl in age 10 to 15 need
make up maybe when she is 14 - but still just lipgross, blush and maybe i mean maybe mascara - what else kids need in age of 14..
today first thing i saw on her face is a look of 17 years old because she put her red lipgross on and man! it doesn't compliment her innocent face that she has at all..

okay here is the deal

each time she has to keep up all "A" to get all these...

curfew is 6 pm if she is going out with friends and bed time will be 9 pm and have shores to do... time management is really important!
7th grade = TV in her room 13 years old
8th grade = make up ,but just lipstick, brush and mascara  so she is 14 years old

bed time is 10 pm. and curfew is 8 pm if she is going out with friends or friends come over
9th grade = cell phone - the one with talk and text still have curfew to use until bed time which will be 10 pm so she is 15 years old by then
10th grade = prom but have to be home by 11 pm no excuses and yes i want to see the guy's parents first - she is 16 years old

gotta make effort for go to bed at 11 pm and curfew still 8 pm
11th grade = go to bed at 11 pm ,but curfew still have to be at 8 pm to be home and she is 17 years old
12th grade = get a suv .. still have to pass her driver license class first and she has to go to college in exchange to drive the car somewhere else.

i will do the same if i have my own kids and also with ashley ...

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