the first 4 earlier months was plained-- pretty much plained!
i didn't get chance from iowa homeless youth center because i don't have enough paper that they want even they told me that they will
it was pretty upset me,but thanks to my lovely husband- he supported me to do something else more--so - im just enjoy spending time with my hubby --
went to bed -midnight
woke up 10 am -no rush!
then out for lunch or shopping
he let me used his card to borrow booksfrom library and yes-- i read books like crazy
i was at my 145 lbs
i had my sewing class in winter,but not really doing anything with it much
can't even run more than 3 minutes on treadmill
then in May, my sis took me to sign up for fitness
so i started to exercise and im hook
then i had habitat for humanity that gave me opportunity to do more volunteer and im in love with it
i seek out for more volunteer and started to go to gym -every day
except sunday because i still have to work at buffet
then angel, my lovely dog pregnant with -- we still have no idea
gave birth on auguest 7th with 7 puppies...
julie went to her mom's house for 2 months during summer- so while she was away, i was doing whatever, i want to do
i met couple new friends
then i started to do more volunteering at least 3 days a week or more
mostly with building houses, helping with homeless and marathon then i had a wonderful idea about running 5 k or marathon next year
now i can run 3 miles without stop and also run about 45 minutes without panting myself to death
my weight down to 123 lbs
still have no hips,but who care
i got everything now
my PR card
my DL
my working permit and yes- i already got a job or jobs
i can donate blood which i was a little bit disappointed in myself for my blood clog
i was home more to teach my stepdaughter to do math-don't know is she getting better,but she can do multiple and division (my way)
the most important, credit card with my face on it -- haha
im still writing blog even im not writing it all the time
write my mom letter more often-- at least one a month
all of this just happened maybe in october-- well i met my husband's mom for first time :)
in september, i still got nothing in my life that ensure my life here then november boom!
i got everything -just like that!
so today i got the really cute boots ( don't tell my hubby!)
working shirts that actually fit me -just right!
found tons of volunteer opportunity that some os involve police academy --woohoo!!
finally know what behind my husband's nickname
finally happy with myself
and also will be able to give money to my mom again ;)
yes! my life has some goal in life to do and yes-- i got my life has a meaning!
i love everything today!!
im happy
just hope it isn't just over today!
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