Tuesday, December 21, 2010

this is a family -closed friends game

 the ideal is
write or type these questions and put them in the jar or box and let everyone pick it, read it and answer it-- if they feel comfortable to do so
  • were you and your sprouse in love from the start or did it take time?
  • what is the best and worst job you ever had?
  • how did you decide what field to enter?
  • who had the big impact on your working life?
  • if you had to do it all over again, whould you choose the same career path?
  • who make you laugh the hardest?
  • do you have favorite book or arthuor?
  • do you have favorite movie?
  • what was the best trip you ever took?
  • if you could go somewhere you have never been to, where would you  go?
  • if you could live anyplace in the world, where would it be?
  • what are the five things you couldn't live without?
  • what is your most beloved personal possession?
  • what is the bravest thing you veer done?
  •  what is the scariest thing,the dumbest things you ever done?
  • is there anything you always want to do but never did?
  • what were the best years of your life?
  • what was the hardest decision you ever made?
  • what are the most important things in life?
  • what do you consider to be  your strongest character traits?
  • what traits or habits do you wish you didn't have?
  • do you believe that people can change?
  • has life made you more hopeful or more cycinal?
  • what do you consider to be the biggest world event in your life time?
  • do you think life now is harder or easier than when you were young?
  • what are you most proud of in your life?
  • what do you hope to be remembered for?
questions from real simple magazine

picture by francesca anderson -

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